Why is Having a Quality Dedicated Website so Important in the International Market?

The Chinese web ecosystem is quite different than that of the west.  Mainly emphasized are online shopping platforms such as Taobao and JD, and other mobile social media apps like Wechat and Weibo.  While many companies in China do have a dedicated website, it is secondary to their overall social media-based web strategy.

This strategy does not fly in the international market however.  China’s web ecosystem is very unique, and really only works for China.  Elsewhere, a dedicated website is your most valuable asset in building your brand.


Why does having a quality dedicated website matter?

Credibility and trust

In the international market, having a website is paramount for the credibility of your business.  Keep in mind that there probably several competitors to your brand in the market, so a strong website can help your brand stand out from the competition.  Not having a quality website on the other hand can raise questions on your brand’s legitimacy and trustworthiness.


Brand awareness and identity

A good website should be your number one tool for creating brand awareness.  It helps establish your image and lets the audience know who you are and what you represent.  This goes beyond just advertising your products; a good website also conveys your unique image and mission to your audience.

Improve customer experience

Not available 24/7 to take phone calls and answer prospective customers’ questions?  A website can answer those simple questions like your business address, hours of operation, contact information and so on.  Having such information readily accessible saves both time for prospective customers and your business.

Attract organic traffic

Utilizing the proper search engine optimization techniques in your website can help it rank higher in the Google search results.  This ensures higher visibility for your brand when people search online for products or services similar to yours, invariably leading to more visits to your site to get more information.  Not only does SEO improve the amount of traffic, but also the quality.  The goal of SEO is to generate unpaid traffic rather than direct or paid traffic.  Thus a website with good SEO can bring more legitimate visibility to your brand, and in turn, generate business.

It is not recommended to use the idea of a Chinese website as an overseas official website.

Especially when penetrating a foreign market, creating the content for one’s website can be quite the challenge.  One must be able to not only clearly communicate their brand message in a foreign language, but also localize the content in a way that their target market can identify with.  We can help by creating engaging, localized content for any website. Taking into account the target market’s culture we can create professional, multilingual content that can stand out from competitors and engage your audience.

Press releases and other media articles are an invaluable tool for generating SEO for your website.  We can improve SEO through the writing and optimization of your brand’s press releases and other media content. Through the creation of backlinks, keywords, valuable headlines, engaging content and wide distribution channels, we work to create content that can generate as much organic traffic for your website as possible to help your brand grow its business.

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